Editorial Board

Ven. Dr. Candavara

BA (Hons;), MA (Buddhism), Ph.D (Philosophy), Mumbai, India

Ven. Dr. Candavara is the abbot of Dhammadhara Padamya Yaung Monastery, Mandalay, Myanmar. He is also the Head of the Department of Research, Translation and Publication, The State Pariyatti Sāsana University, Mandalay, Myanmar. He has written several books and papers such as “The Study of Dhūtin”, “The Study of Anatomy from the Perspective of Abhidhamma”, “How to Study the Abhidhammaattha Sangaha (Vol.I)”, “An Analysis of twofold Truth in Theravada Buddhism”, “Family Life Adapting Buddhism”, and “Mind, Called as Mind”. Moreover, he serves as a Professor and a senior member of Graduate Advisory Committee at University of Global Peace, Mandalay, Myanmar. Serving as the president of Padamyar Yaung Foundation Centre, Mandalay, Myanmar, he is also a Missionary Dhamma Teacher.

Alistair Campbell


Alistair Campbell (Prof) has been working at Tokyo University of Technology in Japan since 1998. Originally from the UK, he has spent many years living and working in other countries: Italy, France, Germany, Czech Republic and Japan. His research interests are in advanced learning technology, especially computer-assisted language learning (CALL). He holds degrees from three British universities: Lancaster, Sheffield and Oxford. He enjoys music, reading, travel, gardening and many other things. His first visit to Burma was in 1988 and he has returned on several occasions since then. He aspires to learn more about the country in the future.